ADDTY100.ZIP 67,243 04-22-95 ADDTODAY v1.00 - adds new BBS files daily!Add new file descriptions to your PCBoard orother BBS each day. Select random based ontoday's "day of month", minimum, maximum, orfixed number. Added file description dates
AREADV10.ZIP 36,027 12-28-94 Activity Log Reader from Future EnhancementsVersion 1.0
AS_101.ZIP 99,353 01-29-95 AS - Active Sessions V 1.01=========================== line statusdisplay - semaphore handling - task summarydisplay - shows ProBoard-User - requirements:FrontDoor<tm> mL ProBoard (optional) - !!
ATW#1.ZIP 251,539 03-26-95 Across The Wire Monthly BBS Magazine (Door)by T&J Software. Issue #1 for April 1995.Supports various BBS formats, COM ports,non-standard IRQ's, and much more! This is aFREE monthly magazine which can be file
ATW#2.ZIP 352,922 04-26-95 Across The Wire Monthly BBS Magazine (Door)by T&J Software. Issue #2 for May 1995.Supports various BBS formats, COM ports,non-standard IRQ's, and much more! This is aFREE monthly magazine which can be file
BBS-PR18.ZIP 40,064 02-10-95 The Computer Bulletin Board Guide to PublicRelations ver 1.8. The competition forcallers is heating up. You need an aggressivemarketing campaign. Here's a handy guide tohelp you conduct your own Public Relations
BBSB10C.ZIP 204,636 03-11-95 BBSBuddy v1.00c - Not just another "cannot dowithout" sysop tool. A must have! Keep tabson all your bbs support programs / utilitiesat a single glance. Support board info,install location, version#, reg#,
BBSLAW.ZIP 548,021 04-01-93 BBS LEGAL GUIDE, version 1.01. Legal guidanceand forms for BBS sysops, both pay andnon-profit, BBS networks, program developersand consultants. Contains info on copyright,adult files, privacy and more. Contains BBS
BBSNWS31.ZIP 19,260 01-02-95 x.....................................x ...BBS NEWS v3.1 ... . (C)1995 HeavenwareSoftware . . A fast & effective way to createor . ... append your News Bulletin ... .Supports ANSI &ASCII, Text file . ...
BIGPR95B.ZIP 192,644 01-06-95 Big Boy's World Famous BBSing Primer v95.b.The best general source of info. on BBSing inexistence! The whole BBSing racket explained- concepts, techniques, software, buzzwords,BBS: 303-458-3832 - Nyuk Nyuk!
CALLV312.ZIP 95,257 02-11-95 CALLERS v3.12 is a activity file processorthat makes any .BBS file you want it to make.It is Multi-Node aware. It also allows you topick 2 security levels to have stand out.This is a 30-day trial and is shareware NOT
CNUM195G.ZIP 65,104 01-12-95 CallNo V1.95 NEW! Configuration file supportDesqview Support, Bug-Fixes, Messagenotifying sysop of a certain caller number(eg for prizes) and much more !! This createsa real BIG caller number ANSI and ASCII
CPYUSR11.ZIP 36,209 01-12-95 Copy User v1.1 - Copy your user files in anightly event with the name of the filetodays date. Or choose to archive the userfiles (using ZIP, ARJ or PAK) with the nameof the archive file being todays date. Allows
DIRLST31.ZIP 43,277 05-29-94 CUSTOM FILE AREA SCREEN GENERATOR V3.1 FileScreen maker of your File Directories forTriBBS's "Change File Area Screens." Featuresare: 15 different color selections(File areanumbers can be one color while theHeitmann
DUCAL114.ZIP 30,887 03-02-95 This version is FREEWARE (of course if you feyou can always send me a nice coffee cup <griFeatures: - Scans user database for duplicatephone num No need for a separate dupe file! -expiration date
EX142.ZIP 46,944 01-19-95 Ex 1.42; CD-Rom front end for file transfers;copies files located on CD-Rom to a harddrive or ramdisk before downloading. DOS andOS/2 versions, works with any BBS programthat supports redirected file download lists
FAKEFD.ZIP 27,306 04-25-95 Allows a separate task to process events andsemaphores.
FASTDV12.ZIP 46,663 01-31-95 FAST DOWNLOAD sysop Tool. This is a utilitythat is just for the sysop who does alot ofwork on there BBS from remote. This doorallows you to Download files Without the workof putting it into the BBS file directory
FLIST22.ZIP 43,269 03-07-95 New version of FLIST, the all-file-listgenerator
FREE310.ZIP 122,888 01-01-95 Free Speech: An utterly DIFFERENT type of BBSwhich uses artificial intelligence proceduresto make it possible for anybody to express anopinion openly. Why run just another BBS when
FWKCX001.ZIP 5,645 01-16-95 FWKCX(TM) Contents_Signature Exclusion List,# 001. 1995 Jan 16. For use with theFWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, Version2.00, released 1995 Jan 16 on a "test, thenregister" basis. The FWKCX series contains
FWKLU200.ZIP 118,834 01-16-95 FWKLU200.ZIP remote Lookup kit for use withFWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System Ver.2.00, 1995 Jan 16. Professional kit, withLookup, Lookupz, and Rcrosref. Registrationrequired after free trial period.
FWKLZ200.ZIP 11,793 01-16-95 FWKLZ200.ZIP remote lookup_zipfile kit foruse with FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System,Ver. 2.00, 1995 Jan 16. This helps you savetime and money: Use it to find zipfiles onAvoid uploading files they already have.
FWKUTC03.ZIP 9,375 01-16-95 FWKUTC(TM) Upload_Test Checker, Version 0.3,1995 Jan 16, to check if an upload_testprocedure destroys zipped path information(and would normally also destroy an author'sAuthenticity Verification Stamp). This simple
FXFACT11.ZIP 32,766 04-15-95 FXFACTS v1.1 A RoboBOARD/FX statisticbulletin generator. Will create ASCII, ANSI &Tel-FX screens. Easy to use! (c)1995Heavenware Software
GAPDEM1.ZIP 391,015 01-03-95 GAP COMM DEMO DIGI RIP CD-ROM QWK NETMAIL GAPCommunications is a full featured BBS proincludes lightning fast data retrieval, full(including LAN and Multi-Tasker) support, EchFile 1 of 3.
GAPDEM2.ZIP 337,461 01-03-95 GAP COMM DEMO DIGI RIP CD-ROM QWK NETMAIL GAPCommunications is a full featured BBS proincludes lightning fast data retrieval, full(including LAN and Multi-Tasker) support, EchFile 2 of 3.
GAPDEM3.ZIP 317,638 01-03-95 GAP COMM DEMO DIGI RIP CD-ROM QWK NETMAIL GAPCommunications is a full featured BBS proincludes lightning fast data retrieval, full(including LAN and Multi-Tasker) support, EchFile 3 of 3.
GEO250B4.ZIP 333,919 01-16-95 GoldED/2 2.50.Beta4 for OS/2. The GoldED MailEditor for FidoNet is Copyright (C) OdinnSorensen, 2:236/77. This is an OPEN BETArelease, usable for a limited period (until950217, authors birthday) for anyone without
HEADLN20.ZIP 57,879 01-01-95 HEADLINE v2.00 is used for buildingpromotional messages such as BBS Ads, andannouncements. V2.00 replaces Version 1.00. Ahelpfile, along with on screen prompts, helpto make the program user friendly. This
ITERMEZ.ZIP 189,200 01-15-95 Pre-release for I-Term, Cyberworks Softwarever. 1.20 I-Term is a program that was madeto be a HUMAN FRIENDLY way to access andnavigate the Internet. Just follow the menusand you'll be navigating through the
LOGE_006.ZIP 9,343 01-05-95 LogEntry is a simple Batch program to writeentries to a log file in the BinkleyTerm logfile format. All parameters and the info tobe written to the log are passed to LogEntrybyte of the actual log entry. The third
MASTER20.ZIP 59,139 01-07-95 [ NEWS MASTER v2.0 ] News Bulletin generatorfor Spitfire, RA, Wildcat and others. CreatesANSI/ASCII news bulletins. 9 formats tochoose from Fast and easy to use and setup.Uses your favorite text editor. It Allows
MM_100.ZIP 41,764 02-10-95 Modem Messenger v1.0! A serial port answeringmachine for those times when your BBS or hostis down. It'll answer incoming calls on anyport informing the caller about delays,expected availability and more. Configurable
MSGMKR10.ZIP 73,832 01-04-95 IMPORT TEXT FILE AS MESSAGE INTO GAP BBSImports TEXT file as a message into a GAP BBSmessage base, any forum. Support for attachedfiles, command line parameter or config file,author of The MainMail System!
NDSEC1.ZIP 19,600 01-05-95 NDSEC1 by Cyber Soft NDSEC1 is a smallprogram that will enable you to change Node1's sec level via command line or batch file.Set your node 1's security level to your mailaccount's level and no one with less than
NEWIES41.ZIP 134,481 02-04-95 = NEWIES 4.1 = * The PREMIUM NEWSLETTER*Creates NEWS Bulletins \ Screen Bulletins forSpitfire BBS, WildCat, TRIBBS, PCBoard andmore! Produces ASCII, ANSI and RIP Screen!Fully configurable colors allow you to make
NEWUSR11.ZIP 20,167 04-08-95 New User 95! v1.0. Cool New User Display.Freeware! For Wildcat! 4.XX Systems. Scansactivity log for New Users and creates a coollooking output display file listing all newusers and where they are calling from.
NODE101.ZIP 54,298 01-21-95 ===== NODEVIEW 1.1 ===== Nodeview 1.1Nodelist Searching door! From the Author ofZbase BBS Lister come's Nodeview with morefeatures! Features: Remote/Local Cursorcontrol Up to 5-Raw nodelists may be defined,
POST32.ZIP 61,081 01-22-95 NEWS POST Version 3.2 for WildCat and PCboardnews bulletins. Gives powerful control overcreating/editing PCB/WC News files. Featuresmany great options including PCB & WC Macros
RWJM10.ZIP 17,079 01-04-95 RWJM Version 1.0 - RooKWare JumpMenu Jumpfrom menu to menu without having to gothrough the Main Menu! * * From RooKWare forTriBBS BBSs * * * @X8CFREE * *
S-NWS410.ZIP 192,270 01-22-95 Super News v4.10 This is the BEST news makerfor RemoteAccess, EzyCom and compati- bles!It makes 5 styles of ANSI & ASCII screens,with simultaneous printer output! Super Newsavailable in the world! New features: - NOW
SETDIGI.ZIP 58,842 02-11-95 SETDIGI, version 1.0, compiled 2/11/95. Setmost channel parameters on your DigiBoardwith the Universal DOS driver's INT14hservice. Control baud, parity, word length,stop bits, tx and rx flow control (hardware &
TICFIX.ZIP 41,324 07-23-94 Ticfix Beta for Lora BBS 2.40 Ticfix wascreated to Fix your inbound tics and cleanthem up before Lora processes them. A musthave!!!! Created by Danny Hatt-Hattworks BBSFido 1:142/395
TICFN128.ZIP 129,845 04-01-95 TicToss for FeathetNet Pro, v1.28 *BETA*
TXT2DIR.ZIP 10,134 01-13-95 TXT2DIR converts text listings of files whichhave filenames and descriptions on each line,but no file dates or sizes. An example ofthis format can be seen on the Phoenix 5 CDto locate the actual files in the listing,
T_IT2A2.ZIP 93,472 01-14-95 TicIt 2.00! Alpha Version 2 An UncompletedAlpha Release of TicIt 2.00. This onesupports: Points, Unlimited Areas, A GUIEditor, and some of the faults TicIt 1.00 hadis fixed. Now Includes: Deleting of Areas Fix